Posted by: zombiedood
« on: June 08, 2012, 12:25:56 am »
As if matters. Points made, I'll probly rear my ugly head in a month or two even though it probably be best if I just didn't.
I know I hate the server, I hate the game, Shit I hated most of the community these days. Would I do it all again, You bet. Sorry that I ended up being more of a problem then a solution...I am honestly unable to even start to express my apologies. Conflicted with more then I can cope with right now I am more mad at myself then anything. I really do love you guys, even if we never did get along. Server has ment more to me then most of my life put together lol. Sorry to leave on such a bad stroke.....Guess I deserve it. lol Im proud to have known you all, more so, to see...what we had together progressed so much. It honestly brings tears to my eyes. I cant express how much you ea mean to me even though I know I could never express it. Im a rough character I know, and it bigger doses I can be worse.... I'm sorry it feels I have wronged you, or lashed at you. lol Cant blame my shit life but i guess I did in a sense probably let it get the better of me more often then not and brought my problems to the server. So I cannot ask for forgiveness or tolerance for them, I am simply, and solely at fault. lol I can honestly say the worse part is simply saying goodbye. I dont want to go but I know its better if I did...Sorry to have forced such an outcome. I'd bother to type of ea of my mistakes but not enough time and I doubt anybody would honestly care to read them, probably miss more then not anyhow lol. You guys DEFINED my last year. Im sorry to have had a negative effect on yours. I can honestly say I am glad to have had my chance. Better to have known you all. Best I had somthing to care about again. Selfish reasons, but I'm a selfish man. I wont be back for awhile, Nor will I show myself. Take care. And if I never did see yall again Id like to tell you How much I honestly Love you, and how much of my life has been changed for the better for each of you. I dont care if you tell the players or not although I would prefer to just simply leave without any sort of notice tbh. Best I slip away I'm not much for scenes that dont cause problems I guess haha. Thanks for even reading this...It means something to me if it matters.
Jordan Eslinger.
Ps. So help me if you replace me, lol Think before you do you finally have the odd number we wanted....even as my last act I leave a balance. lol. Dont fuck that up too fast.
P.s.s. Gym Goes to Alexandred, Not Dj I still plan on finishing it.