Author Topic: Peternjb  (Read 5476 times)


  • Turning Bill into a human
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Re: Peternjb
« Reply #15 on: June 27, 2012, 04:09:43 pm »
peter why?




  • Turning Bill into a human
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  • Posts: 183
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Re: Peternjb
« Reply #16 on: June 27, 2012, 04:17:25 pm »
First off Hanzo Peter has not posted here.  Your actually attacking Jotr. Maybe Look into what your going to type before you attack random posts.
On a second note, these forums are to report incidents not to try and bash someone. you made your point clear, The extra on your post is uncalled for.

Secondly Mayyarbarazi,  There was one reported case and it was figured out. So if your lying that's low. If you got proof let it be shown. Otherwise standing beside your friend backing his case isn't proof.
Liquid I agree we need to find a way to make dogs non-aggressive or cant be hit in non-pvp, don't know coding but may be possible.
