In addition to the new paypal that I set up a few months ago in order to protect against Deviant's possible abuse, I also changed a few passwords to some of our assets, such as the volt-host login.
Now, in response to Rigby's idiocy, I have changed a few more things, just in case he decides to go rampant and screw us all.
- Rigby is de-opped
- pokemonserver forum account password changed
- 75$ is all that is not transferred to the new paypal
- control panel login password (and ftp password by relation) changed the first o into an e. Mow became Mew.
- if you really care about them, I can give you the password (universal) to everything i've changed so far. Mew--- is only the console pass. The rest use a harder to guess one.
Mio, I don't know how paranoid you are about Rigby, but if you think you should change the password for the TeamSpeak administration area (not that I know what/where it is) now would be the time.