Author Topic: A good idea for the forums about trading.  (Read 4620 times)


  • Farewell SS Anne
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A good idea for the forums about trading.
« on: February 14, 2014, 01:42:28 pm »
I had a good idea for the forums. How about we create a special area somewhere where people list what they have for trade and what they want and people respond to trade with them. E.G. FT: Moltres LF: Zapdos (FT meaning For trade and LF meaning Looking For). I got this idea based on the Reddit page for Pokemon Trading and I strongly recommend checking it out since people are always offering good deals. People simply put in the Subject something like what I put above (FT: 5IV Ditto LF: 5IV Smeargle) and in the main body, they put a tag saying what gen they want the trade ([6], [5] ect) and People respond with their FC and the trade.

People can also put in the subject (FT: List Inside LF: Offers), then they put a table inside of what Pokemon they have available and then people offer something for a Pokemon they want.

Obviously, there will be problems with Scamming but there is a way past it, just like the Reddit page, if a Pokemon is caught to be hacked or something similar then they could receive something like a permanent ban off the server until they return the Pokemon. There are alot of matters to change about this idea but I think it could work. For more ideas I strongly recommend looking at the Reddit page. Here is the link: It would be a good idea to look at the rule page and flairs. Maybe also include a rule that you can only trade if you are a specific rank on any of the servers (Gym Leader+) or have been on the forums or server for 2 months or more. I will leave down all the main decisions to our lovely admins. Thanks.



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  • Farewell SS Anne
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Re: A good idea for the forums about trading.
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2014, 08:17:06 am »

Yeh but this idea isnt just for a topic but for a child board, maybe under the other child board, Pokemon games.