Okay, let's be a bit realistic. .31cents per a click is a lot of money wasted. Let's do some basic math:
This means that for every 3 users (Round to .33cents), we spend 1 dollar on advertisement. It's fair to say that if someone clicks on it, guessing, only 1 out of 5 will actually check out the server. That means we spend about 2 dollars for a one person advertisement. If we say that 1/50 people actually donate (to get the money back) we're looking at some major loss of money. 30 clicks takes away about 10$. That's only 30 people for 1 person's donation. Multiplly that by 50 and you 1500 people for 500$. SO, let's look at it with some comparitive costs. Would we rather invest that 500$ to facebook and get, ballparking, 1500 people or should we invest that into minestatus?
I think minestatus got us more people for the buck, but I don't know. Mio also said we can change the pricing which is something I'd like to see how low we can make it. Thank you mio for bringing this up, we can probably use this to our advantage