Let me lay this out for you.
1: You should have read the rules board.
2: If you did and you knew Xray was illegal here, that is your own fault, and deal with your fate.
3: If you did not read the board, it is your own fault, and you should have known better.
4: Grammar and not spamming emoticons in your message would have probably helped you.
5: Begging gets you nowhere.
Sorry but it seems as an admin has not cared to look at your appeal, most likely this is due to the fact that it was one of them that placed the ban on you, therefore it has most likely already been discussed Via Teamspeak.
Also the fact that they have not replied presumably places you in a perma-ban situation and you will not be allowed back on this server.
Hopefully you learn your lesson from this action taken and from now on read rules boards, and follow them on future servers you may visit.
Good bye, and happy adventures.