Age: 14
Time available: Timezone: GMT+10 -
current timeWeekends + Holidays: All day, unless I'm busy.
School weekdays: 4PM - 9PM, on tuesdays 3PM - 9PM.
How long have you been on the Pokemon Server: Since the start of the year (Almost 10 months)
What is your mcmmo Powerlevel? 5205.
How many/which Badges do you have?Kanto: All.
Johto: 5 - Violet, Azalea, Cianwood, Olivine and Mahogany.
Why would you be a good mod: I think I would be a good mod because I already try to help out the server to the best of my ability by welcoming new players, offering help towards them, giving them a starter tool kit, showing them around the server and giving them good advice. I also try to help more older players as much as possible, by hosting tournaments to keep them all entertained and and not bored. With the moderator position, I will be able to help out the server even more, by giving bank chests to newer players and holding events for older and newer players. I have been a moderator on a different server before, so I know what it holds of, as well as how to handle things and control my temper. I am also a very trustworthy person and will never do something that will make you lose your trust for me.
What do you plan to DO as Mod?Like I said above, as a mod I will give bank chests to newer players and hold events for entertainment. I will try to report suspicious players but before reporting/muting/jailing them, I will always look at all sides of the story, hearing everyone's opinion and trying to resolve the problem before it gets out of hand.
What plugins/commands are you familiar with?-McMMO (All commands)
-WorldEdit (All commands)
-WorldGuard (Most commands)
-PermissionEX (Most commands)
-Essentials (All features)
-Dynmap (All features)
-MCBans (All commands)
-Hawkeye (All commands)
-CommandRank (Most features, all commands)
-Multiverse (Most features)
-Logblock (Most feature, all commands)
-ChestShop (All commands and permissions)
-MobDisguise (All commands and permissions)
-MobArena (All features)
-VanishNoPacket (All commands + configuation and permissions)
-DrugMeUp (All commands [Only 1 :P] + configuration and permissions)
-Citizens (All features)
-GroupAnnouncer (All features, most commands + configuration, permissions and customization)
-NoCheatPlus (All features and permissions)
-NoLagg (All features and commands)
-WorldBorder (All features, most commands
-XPBanker (All commands and permissions)
-XrayInformer (All commands and permissions (Only 1 permission node :P))
-ScriptBlock (Most features, commands and permissions)
-ecoCreature (All features and permissions)
-SimpleHat (All commands and features)
I would like to learn:-ModDamage
I study plugins everyday, so I know many more plugins, but I think this is enough. If you want to know more plugins I have knowledge of, let me know. Thanks for reading, I will keep the app up to date.