AGE: 14
Time Available: GMT-6
Weekdays - 4pm to 11pm
Weekends- 8am to 1am
How long have you been on the pokemonserver: since February so almost 11 months
What is you mcmmo Powerlevel? 6560 and you check your mcmmo stats by /mcstats =P
How many/which badges do you have? All 8 kanto badges and 7 johto badges except the fog badge
Why would you be a good mod: Well I've been on the server for a while and I know almost everyone and all the staff i get along with most people I help alot of noobs that have joined the server and now that i've done everything I've wanted to do I just want to kick back and help new or recent players out. I've been a moderator on other servers and seen how problems start and I have the experience to stop them. I know alot of plugins and know how to use most of the commands on them so i think with the knowledge of me knowing how to use these plugins i can be better moderator and i will continue to learn plugins and there commands to do so.
What do you plan to do as a Moderator: Everything I can do know and with moderator powers such as helping people get a house a bank chest or telling them where a place is. Then also there's the other kind of players that come on a server just to annoy or distract other players with MOD powers its easier to help everyone with a mute or kick. Then theres the hackers that come on the server just to hack and its easy to spot one if you have caught alot of them and I have on diffrent servers.Solving problems between two people is on conflict that is very annoying to and i think safe to say the rest of the pokemon server community.At first I would simple tell them to /ignore each other and continue with there lives but if they fail to do so then thats when my moderators powers will come in to action by kicking both of the people that are fighting and if they still continue it would be a mute until i tell the admin and they will resolve the conflict with further punishment or something else.
What plugins/commands are you familiar with?
- essentials =P
- WorldEdit (most commands)
- WorldGuard (also most commands)
- mcmmo
- MobsInGrass
- LogBlock
- Chest Shop
- Command signs
- Simple Spleef!
- Moddamage (little bit)
- XPbanker
- MobArena
- Xrayinformer
- Mob disguise
- lockette
- custom messages
- Player heads
- dwdnpc
- group manager
- /Vanish
- /fly
- /gm 1/2
- /xp d all(the rest of xpbanker commands)
- /kick (name)
- /Ban (name)
- /banIP (name)
- /setwarp (name)
- /delwarp (name)
- /warp (warp name)
- /Tp (name)
- /tpall
- /tpahere (name)
- /tpaccept
- /sethome (home name)
- /delhome (home name)
- /home
-//set ( block) (and the rest of some W/E commands)
- mob arena commands
- mute (name)
- jail ( name)
- /compass
-custom messages commands
- /lockette commands
- / dwdnpc (create/delete /etc) (name)
- / ph spawn (name)
Can you moderate the server, and demonstrate your ability by moderating your own application thread? well I dont know why some people put like 3 paragraphs on what i think is a yes or no answer...but yes i can moderate the server and I know with my application i think i can moderate it.