The new IP, if does not work for you, is and will apply to the build server soon, but not yet.
Some teamspeak issues were dealt with, I frankly don't bother with it so I can't be specific with what was done.
Teenozoom77 has been banned for use of Nodus on the server after a clear rule was made denying all client modifications except Optifine and Capes.
This ban will last for a minimum of 13 days, regardless of his choice of redemption. Standard time-out/eviction rules apply, as usual.
2013-05-04 13:03:11 [INFO] Anonymouslyanon issued server command: /warp ceruleanmaze
2013-05-04 13:03:50 [INFO] [m<[0;32;22m[Trainer][0;37;1mcprange[m> thank you =)[m
2013-05-04 13:04:04 [INFO] [m<[0;32;22m[Trainer][0;37;1mr1579[m> your welcome[m
2013-05-04 13:04:15 [INFO] [m<[0;32;1m[CoolTrainer][0;37;1mTee[m> really[m
2013-05-04 13:04:17 [INFO] [m<[0;33;22m[J][GymLeader][0;37;1mAnon[m> really.[m
2013-05-04 13:04:30 [INFO] teenozoom77 issued server command: /leaders
2013-05-04 13:04:36 [INFO] teenozoom77 issued server command: /warp ceruleanmaze
2013-05-04 13:04:40 [INFO] [m<[0;32;1m[CoolTrainer][0;37;1mTee[m> :P[m
2013-05-04 13:04:46 [INFO] [m<[0;33;22m[J][GymLeader][0;37;1mAnon[m> . . .[m
2013-05-04 13:04:47 [INFO] [m<[0;32;1m[CoolTrainer][0;37;1mTee[m> im helping[m
2013-05-04 13:04:51 [INFO] [m<[0;33;22m[J][GymLeader][0;37;1mAnon[m> no[m
2013-05-04 13:05:01 [INFO] [m<[0;32;1m[CoolTrainer][0;37;1mTee[m> no rule againist it[m
2013-05-04 13:05:21 [INFO] [m<[0;33;22m[J][GymLeader][0;37;1mAnon[m> you cannot enter gyms without the leader's permission[m
2013-05-04 13:05:30 [INFO] [m<[0;32;1m[CoolTrainer][0;37;1mTee[m> you can help people tho :p[m
2013-05-04 13:05:33 [INFO] [m<[0;33;22m[J][GymLeader][0;37;1mAnon[m> you cannot enter gyms without the leader's permission[m
2013-05-04 13:05:39 [INFO] teenozoom77 issued server command: /sethome t
2013-05-04 13:05:40 [INFO] [m<[0;32;1m[CoolTrainer][0;37;1mTee[m> fine[m
2013-05-04 13:05:41 [INFO] teenozoom77 issued server command: /spawn
2013-05-04 13:06:26 [INFO] cprange issued server command: /home
2013-05-04 13:06:29 [INFO] teenozoom77 issued server command: /home t
2013-05-04 13:06:33 [INFO] teenozoom77 issued server command: /wn
2013-05-04 13:06:35 [INFO] teenozoom77 issued server command: /spawn
2013-05-04 13:06:45 [INFO] teenozoom77 issued server command: /xb d all
2013-05-04 13:06:53 [INFO] r1579 issued server command: /home
2013-05-04 13:07:17 [INFO] r1579 issued server command: /spawn
2013-05-04 13:07:23 [INFO] teenozoom77 issued server command: /tell nguyn is here still there?
2013-05-04 13:07:29 [INFO] teenozoom77 issued server command: /warp ceruleanmaze
2013-05-04 13:07:48 [INFO] [m<[0;33;22m[J][GymLeader][0;37;1mAnon[m> . . .[m
2013-05-04 13:07:53 [INFO] [m<[0;32;1m[CoolTrainer][0;37;1mTee[m> reallly[m
2013-05-04 13:07:56 [INFO] [m<[0;33;22m[J][GymLeader][0;37;1mAnon[m> really.[m
2013-05-04 13:08:00 [INFO] [m<[0;32;1m[CoolTrainer][0;37;1mTee[m> why cant i help him[m
2013-05-04 13:08:10 [INFO] [m<[0;33;22m[J][GymLeader][0;37;1mAnon[m> because that'll make it easy :P[m
2013-05-04 13:08:14 [INFO] [m<[0;32;1m[CoolTrainer][0;37;1mTee[m> btw i can one shot you with this[m
2013-05-04 13:08:15 [INFO] [m<[0;32;22m[J][Trainer][0;37;1mNguyen[m> i lagged[m
2013-05-04 13:08:22 [INFO] [m<[0;33;22m[J][GymLeader][0;37;1mAnon[m> btw i can report you for that[m
2013-05-04 13:08:35 [INFO] [m<[0;32;1m[CoolTrainer][0;37;1mTee[m> :P[m
2013-05-04 13:08:36 [INFO] Anonymouslyanon issued server command: /spawn
2013-05-04 13:08:45 [INFO] [m<[0;33;22m[J][GymLeader][0;37;1mAnon[m> very well[m
2013-05-04 13:08:48 [INFO] [m<[0;32;22m[J][Trainer][0;37;1mNguyen[m> alot[m
2013-05-04 13:08:49 [INFO] [m<[0;32;22m[Trainer][0;37;1mcprange[m> spawn[m
2013-05-04 13:08:52 [INFO] teenozoom77 issued server command: /spawn
2013-05-04 13:08:52 [INFO] cprange issued server command: /spawn
2013-05-04 13:08:55 [INFO] Anonymouslyanon issued server command: /warp anonvip
2013-05-04 13:08:57 [INFO] teenozoom77 issued server command: /delhome t
2013-05-04 13:09:03 [INFO] [m<[0;32;1m[CoolTrainer][0;37;1mTee[m> who cares if i help[m
2013-05-04 13:09:06 [INFO] [m<[0;32;22m[J][Trainer][0;37;1mNguyen[m> hurry![m
2013-05-04 13:09:07 [INFO] [m<[0;33;22m[J][GymLeader][0;37;1mAnon[m> i care[m
2013-05-04 13:09:08 [INFO] LilWaffles issued server command: /spawn
2013-05-04 13:09:09 [INFO] [m<[0;32;1m[CoolTrainer][0;37;1mTee[m> i dont[m
Teenozoom77, in addition to this, you have been seen harassing Victini in cinnabar, and should you return, if you are ever accused and found guilty of warping into any gym arena without explicit leader invitation (before or after they tell you to leave) you will lose all access to the /warp command.
Same for the /sethome command, as relevant to gyms and homes and VIP rooms.