Author Topic: CKDavid's Moderator Application  (Read 2790 times)


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CKDavid's Moderator Application
« on: March 20, 2012, 03:58:05 pm »

IGN: CKDavid
Age: 15
Time available: Typically 4-9PM EST weekdays and typically all day on the weekends. I'll actually be on a lot less than this until April 1st rolls around because I have drumline all day Mondays and Thursdays.
How long have you been on the pokemonserver: I joined the server in late August but I only really started playing and interacting with others in mid-October.
Why would you be a good mod: I've modded on my friend's extremely small server before, and I discovered that I prefer to be more of a social mod rather than a technical mod, by which I mean dealing with people's problems as opposed to using and fixing plugins. I consider myself pretty intelligent and forgiving, and I suppose the forgiveness can be a downfall because I don't really like to ban people from my friend's tiny server, partly because it's so small and we need members, and partly because I believe in second chances...and third chances...and fourth a point. However, being on this server I can say that I wouldn't hesitate as much because I've seen way too many annoying spammers and hackers here. Either way I fit better working with people rather than working in the background of the server. I think I'd work well in the position of mod.
Do you know how to use World Guard?: No, but if necessary I can learn.
Would you consider yourself "mature": Yes, I would.
