Author Topic: A personal update  (Read 3896 times)


  • Fighting Brock
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A personal update
« on: March 12, 2015, 03:18:16 pm »
Hello guys hows thangs.

Thought id make a sentimental post about things going on in real life and regarding this server, you guys and well some other stuff maybie.

As of 12/03/2015 I still see that massive silo of a christmas tree in the corner there, I see it everytime i peek out my shop door, cmon guys I know you guys (might) be busy on the new map but cant you really just blow that fucker up by now??? anyone who joins the server for their first time is gunna be like, "whys there a christmas tree there" and just leave cus they know that the server isnt being kept up to date.

Christmas trees near easter time aside, I havent seena  single person on the server for weeks now, I wonder if its even worth it to keep tabs on my gym leadership nowadays... I hope that when you guys (if ever) release the new maps you pretty much rerelease, readvertise and redo everything for the server to bring it back to life, Id like to see that, its one of many things Id like to see to make me more happy.

As for the realm outside the blocky low res world of minecraft, Ive worked 2 jobs both were temporary contracts and am currently out there on the job search, Im thinking of getting my forklift drivers licence WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!

In the meantime me and a bunch of friends started a youtube channel uno run of the mill gaming channel heres a link if youre interested in that stuff.

Id like to play some more airsoft but the local site where I lived was closed so got nowhere nearby to shoot people with my 1911 and desert eagle handgun combo (see inserted image for an image of the 2 guns I use I drew it myself!)

My ultimate goal in life is to become a commercial diver, for those that know about my recent trip to one of the royal navys bases the test didnt go so well, that and I really hated the amount of running in a wet drysuit you had to do theres no way I could survive 21 weeks of nonstop "GET YOUR SORRY ASS ON THE FLOOR AND GIVE ME 22 PRESSUPS THEN RUN 100 YARDS THEN SWIM BACK AND FORTH THROUGH THE LAKE THEN CLIMB UP THIS 30 FOOT STAIR CASE TO THEN JUMP 30 FEET BACK DOWN AGAIN!!!!!"

Then again falling 30 feet from the top of a staircase into water is quite exilerating, its hard to explain when you hit the water at the speed your going your spine kinda cringes up and its like a horrible feeling, youre supposed to land in feet first but you sorta get rolled around when you enter the water and its disorientating finding the way up to the surface again :P.

But right now im saving up to afford civilian diver training at a school in SCOTLAND WITH KILTS AND BAGPIPES!!!! (ive never visited scotland yet) Ive almost got the money required and am ticking over with the UNEMPLOYMENT MULAH! and have booked a taster course for this september where I get a tour of the facility, take a look around and do a try dive in their huge (supposedly) pool soing something work related underwater, maybie welding.

So at my rate of income by next june Il be over in scotland doing it for reals then itl be a great careers to behold!

Well I think thats all I have to say for now, feel free to post on this thread I love to see what you guys have to say these days I havent seen anyone from the server in aeons now!

I still play minecraft but not on pokemon server, since its no fun to play on my own, add me on steam IGN is same as always... we could play some games together!



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Re: A personal update
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2015, 07:48:00 pm »
Yesterday we had like 7 people on and 1ce had an event. It was super fun.
THE builder of Unova!!!

All fear the all powerful WARMONGER CLAN!!!

Le ocean maker.


  • Fighting Brock
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  • Mr Smith!, Mr Wesson... Glad you could make it!
Re: A personal update
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2015, 05:11:19 am »
Ice still plays on the server :L naw darnit :P


  • Fighting Erika
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Re: A personal update
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2015, 08:24:40 pm »
Yesterday we had like 7 people on and 1ce had an event. It was super fun.
crap i missed it lol