Hello! I am so happy I finally found a server that is as Poke-epic as this!
Here is a list of pokemon games I have played (and beat)
Silver (GB)
Crystal (GB)
FireRed (GBA SP)
Ruby (GBA SP)
Emerald (GBA SP)
Colosseum (GCN)
XD Gale of Darkness (GCN)
Diamond (DS)
Pearl (DS)
Platinum (DS)
MstryDungn BlueR. team (DS)
MstryDungn ExplrsOfSky (DS)
HeartGold (DS)
White (DS)
Favourite Game: Pokemon Emerald
Favourite Region: Hoenn
Favourite Evil Group: Team MAGMA
Most Memories: Pokemon FireRed
I Want a Sequel!: Pokemon Colosseum/Xd Arceus
I want a remake!!: Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald
Im replaying right now: Ruby, FireRed, Diamond, Channel, Collosseum
Episode I am watching: About to Finish Orange Islands (pokemonepisode.org
Coolest Main Character: Brendan