1. I never attacked you, i was running around with archie,ali,liquid gathering mobs to kill them.
2. Whenever you killed me and i came back you would do it again tho i didnt do anything.
3. You cant tell me where i should or shouldnt go.
1 . yes you did . with a stone axe mister lier .
2. Yes because you pissd me off and i wasnt going to tp away from some1 who attacks me with a stone axe if i have full diamond .
3 No i cant but i can kill you in pvp if you attack me .
4 . live with it .
1. i started attacking you after i lost all my items when you keept killing me for nothing.
2. I tried to ask you for what I pissed you off but you said nothing. how should i know if you dont know it either?
3. Yes i attacked you with stone axe after you killed me 20 times
1. Well you took armor once even when you know i wante dto kiill ya youre mistake
2. because off why , why , why and because you spam me with it . and because youve been a total jerk to me .
and dont say why again ...
3 . you attacked me 2 and I also wanted you to leave but you dident .
4 . the only reason im typing this is because youre pist off you lost stuff .
5 . im done waisting my time replying to you now .