If he had just kept his mouth shut, and let nature run its course, instead he takes the opportunity to rag on the most unstable admin he can find, one with no mercy for /mute or /jail in addition to being on his 3rd unban, none of this would have happened. He has a history of giving input where it ISN'T needed, and has been punished appropriately before (reference thread: Pokemon Maps-Kanto-related-I Hate You). He obviously didn't learn to keep to himself regarding issues beyond his reach, and spoke up at the worst time possible, to the worst person possible. If it had been ANYONE else, we might have thought to use something more suitable, but he picked someone who frankly doesn't give a shit about him. Those were his mistakes. Not ours, or Zombiedood's, or Vitto's. ArchieSalt Butted in, and reaped what he sowed.