Okay, seriously, this has gone too far.
I personally took the liberty to ban rewas, the biggest asshole of all time, and put it in his face. I forever hope this bitch biscuit never gets to take one more step in the lovely home of ash's mother, or the wonderful wild wars, or any other part of our server. He has done so much shit that this cunt casket needs to leave minecraft and go into some sort of hole where he will never be found again. Kind of like in the movie "Prometheus" where the aliens are on that random ass planet for 2000 years and no one finds them. Yeah, that's you rewas.
You have no friends. You have no life. You're not funny, witty, pretty, nor cool. I sometimes wonder how one person can be so stupid. It's as if you went to school to become idiotic. You are what every person hopes their child will never become. A worthless wart. A douche filled downer. A loser on so many levels that even the classic super mario game couldn't compare.
P.S You are my personal bitch.