I recently came back from a Model Congress that simulated the American government. I was put in the House of Representative as a Democrat. During my time there, I learned a lot about politics that I didn't know. What my true feelings about politics are, I still don't know, but I think it's good to look at both sides of the political spectrum. Of course, it's rude of me to make it sound like the American government covers the entire range of politics, because it does not, but for these purposes, it's the only government system that I've been formally integrated into to.
Democrats have a few good points in their ideology. I see where they come from that the government should try to become more integrated into the social life of private sectors to allows a grouping of government and citizens. I also see as to why they would want to increase taxes so that the government can help have more money to make our country better than what it is now and to increase the basic life style, such as healthcare, into a more desirable place to be.
Republicans also hit a few strong points. Did dour founding fathers not want us to be free of a suppressing government and be able to express our opinions and our actions as we warrant? Shouldn't we be able to do what we want with as little government regulation as we desire? OF course, there need to be laws to the extent, but for business's, a strong belief in free trade and no interference of government is a strong ideal. Why mess with what the Americans can do? And taxes can be very hurtful towards the middle and lower classes, especially in this economy. And the government does often waste money on things that aren't needed.
OF course, these are just my perspectives. In no way do I say these are right, just what I know. If someone would like to correct me, I'd love them to.
Read it.