Logins can only be changed for AceDonators($50) or higher, I don't believe you are at that mark... Unless my memory is sorely mistaken.
quoted me
People are dumb
He donated his next 25 today, and btw both cabass and stuffjunk have been edited.
Log in:&0The &lDarkness &0Shall &n&oEndure.If you can, please make it do /time night when I log in. Log Out:&0The &lDark &0Shall &lRise &oAgain.If you can, please make it do /time day when I log in.
&3[&6D&3r&6a&3g&6o&3n&6T&3a&6m&3e&6r&3]&fRote &eturned on the &6Wii U &eand playing the game &bP&eo&bk&ee&bm&eo&bn&es&be&er&bv&ee&br
&3[&6D&3r&6a&3g&6o&3n&6T&3a&6m&3e&6r&3]&fRote &eturned off the &6Wii U &eand playing the game &bP&eo&bk&ee&bm&eo&bn&es&be&er&bv&ee&br
&8&lM&0i&8&k&8&os&0&ki&8&on&0g&mN&0&ko &0&lH&8&o&ka&0&l&os &8&lG&l&ml&0&o&ki&0&mt&ke&0d &8&k&lY&0&mo&k&l&ou&8r &0&l&oG&8&ka&0&mm&8&oe