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But you shouldn't have to call on us to hold your hand for every step of trying to resolve an issue.
At least MY musical taste has a fucking meaning!!
&4I am the knife, &0in your chestTop is loginBottom is logout&9Come and catch me if you can!
Logins can only be changed for AceDonators($50) or higher, I don't believe you are at that mark... Unless my memory is sorely mistaken.
erm, sorry, but
Ok, I havent been on the server ina while, and it didnt say he was a donorkakashimw13 First Pokemon Given |In this area,Posts: 1Tameness: +0/-0[Rare Candy][Put in PC]Registered User-------------------------------------So I didnt know.
&eFrozen_Money turned on the penisTop is loginBottom is logout&ePenis turned off when i saw your face
People are dumb
&3&oThe &0&oDark &b&oAngel &a&odeparts, &3once again...