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Code: (login) [Select] &8Before &0Reality &8First &0Comes &8The &0Dream Code: (logout) [Select] &8Shallow &7Men &8Believe &7In &8Luck. &7Strong &8Men &7Believe &8In &7Cause &8And &7Effect Thank you
&8Before &0Reality &8First &0Comes &8The &0Dream
&8Shallow &7Men &8Believe &7In &8Luck. &7Strong &8Men &7Believe &8In &7Cause &8And &7Effect
I hope I did it right... im kinda new to this stuff
People are dumb
&6&oGreetings ladies and gentlemen of the jury
&4&oJeffro826&6, &f&oSigning Out
&1&k12&1Courage &2will now be your best defence against &8the storm that is at hand!&1&k12
&3Many that live deserve &0death. &1&lAnd some that die deserve &flife. &6Can you give it to them?
&4WARNING!!! &1I Strike In The Night Like &eLIGHTNING!!!! &d-pika
&0The Storm Clouds Fade As I Go Away! &d-pika
&f<&0[&4L&1e&4g&1e&4n&1d&4a&1r&4y&0]&5Sweaty&f> &fWho else wants money?
&a$965258.67 has been received from &0[&4L&1e&4g&1e&4n&1d&4a&1r&4y&0]&5Sweaty
&8When will it stop raining, &7The days that used to be will &4&l&n&oNever&r&7 be&0...
&7The burning hasn't stopped here yet, please &4&l&oHelp&r &7 us&0...
&dPeace Out Girl Scout
&9We're &cAll &2Stories &dIn &bThe &8End.
&fJust &aMake &3It &6A &9Good &5One, &0Eh?/code