So much for Hoenn >.>
I just want to let out some final words. On a side note I'm sure someone is bound to go RULE 1 !!!111!!!11!!!!1
Tene. You have really pissed me off. I don't really care what I have said at the start. But your "end" personality is just really irritating. So much for Hoenn? Why not help it out since you are some sort of savior. Jeez. Just because I "quit" OtherHoenn and join ServerHoenn doesn't mean its dead. Its just slowed down and not to mention I stopped building after Anon informed me to get a tiled map to begin building.
Of course this might start an annoying ass troll thread and large amount of posts so whatever you have to say after this.
I don't give a shit.
On a side side note. Mario, I really believe that you and Prod should start building yes you have lives and stuff but you 2 should try to pick it up. Not to mention Anon has slowly stopped building ever since the fall of OtherHoenn. Anyways best of luck to you three hope that Hoenn is done at least before Halloween. :P (Yes my expectations are very low. Set them to high and you just get disappointment.)