It's a common religious ceremony of the hobos.
The religion of the hobo
They believe that one day a hobo risen the darkness of the universe and had created the earth. Hobo's also believe that the big bang happened when the hobo put a lighter up to his ass and farted. In the end The hobo shall fall from the sky and use his powers to make everyone poor. Then everyone die from poverty
Ceremonial traditions of the hobo
When a hobo meets another hobo and they both fall in love 1 hobo must invite the other hobo over to there house to symbolize how poor they are and to determine if they are worthy for each other. When a hobo has met his wife or husband they first must do something that has been passed down by generation. You take of there clothes and YOU RUB Gold ON THERE ABBS.
But if your in love with a girl then you should forget that part
The 5 hobo commandments
1- You shall not eat anything but food out of a bin
2- if you are a hobo You can not become wealthy
3- A hobo can not get a job
4- when you are in the presence of a wealthy person you must always rob them
5- if you rob someone you must take everything they have
This is from the book of bibo