Requested By Mio.
Alright, I’m going to ask to become Admin, I’ve been meaning to for a while; but here we go.
IGN: ali_abdi
Age: 17
Timezones: GMT + 08:00
Things I know:
All Plugins on the server, the ones I didn’t know, I learnt as a mod.
- Orefuscator
- WorldBorder
- VoxelSniper
- Moddamage
- LavaBoat
- Multiverse-Core
- XPBanker
- GroupAnnouncer
- Backup
- Mobarena
- Votifier
- mcMMO
- WorldEdit
- PermissionsEx
- WorldGuard
- Essentials
- XrayInformer
- Ecocreature
TL'DR: I know a lot of Plugins.
Also, most admins haven’t been active lately, and that’s where I come in. I’m active a lot. And in timezones most aren’t. I moderate the server at sometimes days at a time.
- I help a lot of people. Sometimes multiple at once.
- I’m always telling people how to improve.
- I talk to people, see what’s going on.
- I settle disputes.
- I love making events.
- I like building.
What I plan to do as admin:
- Be active and help people.
- Help out the other Admins.
- Create amazing things.
- Talk to people, socialize.
- Make the community stronger.
I want to see what people think about it. And comment on your opinion.
Reasons why there should be more Admins- Half of the admins aren't even that active.
- You'll need more admins for helping with projects and such.
- We can bring new ideas to the table.
- We need a bigger team, to boost morale.
- To help with the players much more efficiently. (Eg. A player that needs help that requires Admins assistance, and another player does, the other Admin can help.) *Note: That there are much Admins on at times, so this is rarely seen.*