Age: 11Time available: My timezone is this: i can play 2:00pm to 7:00pm (I can play mostly on weekends)
How long have you been on the pokemonserver: 1 year. Since rigby was a elite and badges was items.
What is your mcmmo powerlevel? 1611
How many Badges do you have? I have all kanto badges
Why would you be a good mod: I think I would be a good mod because I already try to help out the server to the best of my ability by welcoming new players. I also try to help more older players as much as possible. i hosted 1 tournament to keep them all entertained and and not bored. With the moderator position, I will be able to help out the server even more (i mean verry more), by holding events for older and newer players and give nickname's and more. I have been a moderator on a different server before, so I know what it holds of, as well as how to handle things. I am also a very trustworthy person and i hope i will never do something that will make you lose your trust for me.
What do your plan to DO as Mod?If I were to become a moderator, I would help other people more than I can now. t: example of building, give permission in a house that someone buys, providing banking chests (if needed), jail people doing something illegal and fix furlough in the house (if there is one place in the house that the person did not have permission in there).
What plugins/commands are you familiar with? i am familar with:
-chestshop (all commands)
-DynMap (all commands)
-ecoCreature (All features and permissions)
-economy (all commands)
-Essentials (all commands)
-Essentials group manager (all commands)
-hawkeye (all commands)
-iconomy (all commands)
-McBans (all commands)
-Mcmmo (all commands)
-Mob Arena (all commands)
-Mod Damage (all commands)
-Mob Disguise (all commands)
-Permissionex (all commands)
-WorldEdit (all commands)
-WorldGuard (all commands)
-XpBanker (all commands and permissions)
-xrayinformer (all commands)
-ScriptBlock (Most features, commands and permissions)
-SimpleHat (all commands and features)
And more
I would like to learn: