So, Cabs has decided to remove everyone who is not active in Sinnoh, including those that are Hoenn builders, and active within the region.
He backs up with supposed logblocks, which have been resetting themselves recently, and with my recent absence, I probably haven't shown up in them.
I may not
build in Hoenn, but to Anon, I'm valued in judging designs, helping build alternate designs where needed.
Cabs just removed me from the HoennSinnoh world, based on the fact I don't actively build in Sinnoh. This is the equivalent of removing a Johto builder from the KantoJohto world, on the basis that they aren't building Johto, but still require Kanto access.
I try reason with him, with no success.
Then, mere minutes after this dispute:
Here's something from a while ago, but it has a timestamp as at the top of the window.
Not that recent, and looking at the minimap, this was a heap of sand, created right throughout route110 in
HoennPlease have something done about builders abusing this in the HoennSinnoh world. Its quite inconvenient when a builder wants to show you something in Hoenn and you can't go there because someone else removed you from Sinnoh.