Recent changes:
/votemute (player)
Everyone can use this.
Unanimous (not including the target) vote to mute the target player for 30 minutes. Votes must be submitted within 1 minute.
/ruleone (player)
Mods can use this.
Give the player a warning to stop violating rule 1.
3 warnings = kick
6 warnings = 10 minute tempban
9 warnings = permanent ban
I will be notified if anyone gets 9 warnings, and I will investigate it when I see it, to prevent mods from permanently banning whoever they see fit.
/tempban (player) (time, as #s, #h, #d, for #seconds, #hours, #days respectively)
Mods now have access to this.
Mods can now tempban, and there is a config option to limit the duration, Mods may tempban for a max of 3 days. Longer times will require admin intervention.
Private voting system for banning any player from the server community.
Mods and Admins contribute.
In the private Moderator topic, we can propose any player be banished from the server community forever, up to, and including the forum, the server, and anywhere else we have the power to remove any trace of the target player. Majority rules.
I hope this shows a decent change in a positive direction.