i want to agree with that, but i dont, Stng was Tpa'd there by xander's mistake, as gymleader he's reponsible for the items and should have been more careful with the TPA im more leaning toward having xander compensate kaboom
Forced by Oddy to reply to this...
I see your point but remember, it's a rule for the gym leader to return everything to the trainer. IT's unfair to hold a trainer responsbile for a gymleaders mistake so at the very least the trainer should be compensated. Now, think about this:
If stng keeps the stuff, trainer gets nothing. Bad
If stng looses the stuff, trainer gets it back. Good
If stng keeps stuff and GymLeader goes out of his way to compensate, it takes time and regulation to make sure everything is in order. Bad.
If stng keep stuff and Server compensates, we are putting more money into the server (Which we don't want to do b/c of ecnomey). Bad.