Author Topic: So let me get this straight...  (Read 6367 times)


  • Frozen Hearted Admin
  • Professor
  • Fighting Blaine
  • *****
  • Posts: 3084
  • Friendliness: 94
  • Who am I to judge others?
  • Pokemon Team: Typhlosion, Espeon, Aerodactyl, Glalie, Jolteon, Mew the HM Slave
So let me get this straight...
« on: March 13, 2013, 05:50:44 pm »
Frenzy uses potion spam on barnitzn, (which is entirely in the rules) therefore, Z4, Barn, and who else is allowed to camp in an area owned by someone else (which is AGAINST THE RULES)? Is that what I'm reading here? Clarify, cuz regardless of how douchey it is to use potions, its more douchey to camp. Especially when doing so can reset your sethomes and your cash. Give me one reason why I shouldn't.

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<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> wait lemmie get armor
<PokeModbot> <MakiMan123456789> and id be challenged to hell
<PokeModbot> <barnitzn> maki
<PokeModbot> <barnitzn> i can beat shish
<PokeModbot> <MakiMan123456789> well no gyms where either way u go its hard
<PokeModbot> <hobo4chompy> Ok im back
<PokeModbot> <barnitzn> i beat him a few months ago
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> You cant
<PokeModbot> <MakiMan123456789> Barn i did
<PokeModbot> <hobo4chompy> And im ready to kick ass
<PokeModbot> snowbro911 has left the server.
<PokeModbot> <hobo4chompy> And steal some enchanted Items
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> barns mine hobo
<PokeModbot> <Victini998> Hi hobo
<PokeModbot> <MakiMan123456789> Hobo
<PokeModbot> <Victini998> ?
<PokeModbot> <hobo4chompy> ???
<PokeModbot> <MakiMan123456789> my dog has a sharp VVV collar
<PokeModbot> <barnitzn> you ass
<PokeModbot> <hobo4chompy> ._>
<PokeModbot> <FluffytheKitty> ?
<PokeModbot> <barnitzn> you used pots
<PokeModbot> <Victini998> Dafug is that Maki?
<PokeModbot> <hobo4chompy> How the Fuck does that happen
<PokeModbot> <MakiMan123456789> Hobo he chewed on it a while...
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> lol
<PokeModbot> <MakiMan123456789> and it became sharp...
<PokeModbot> <hobo4chompy> ......
<PokeModbot> <hobo4chompy> So what does that do to the dog
<PokeModbot> <barnitzn> you fucking pot spamming asshole
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> ty.
<PokeModbot> <hobo4chompy> Everyone Everyone
<PokeModbot> <FluffytheKitty> :l weird axe
<PokeModbot> <MakiMan123456789> Hobo it gave the dog a sharp XXXX neck
<PokeModbot> <hobo4chompy> Were all equal in Jesus's Eyes
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> Hobo
<PokeModbot> <barnitzn> frenz your such an asshole
<PokeModbot> Z4X3R logged in.
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> Barn hush
<PokeModbot> <teenozoom77> hobo im not religour
<PokeModbot> <barnitzn> this is why i fucking hate you
<PokeModbot> <teenozoom77> hobo im not religous
<PokeModbot> <hobo4chompy> Frenzy
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> wat
<PokeModbot> <hobo4chompy> You should give the stuff back
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> hobo
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> Nu perp
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> lemmie join hoboism
<PokeModbot> <hobo4chompy> Pot spamming isnt the way to go
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> Ik
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> It sucksss
<PokeModbot> <hobo4chompy> Then why you do it >_>
<PokeModbot> <barnitzn> why did you pot spam me/
<PokeModbot> <hobo4chompy> Barn
<PokeModbot> <barnitzn> yes?
<PokeModbot> <hobo4chompy> What did you lose
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> Entertainment
<PokeModbot> <barnitzn> dia armor
<PokeModbot> <barnitzn> dia weps
<PokeModbot> <Victini998> TNT
<PokeModbot> <hobo4chompy> Normal
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> No enchants?
<PokeModbot> <barnitzn> nope
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> y u so mad then....
<PokeModbot> <teenozoom77> barn i callenge you
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> lol
<PokeModbot> <hobo4chompy> brb
<PokeModbot> <barnitzn> i didnt bring enchants
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> he has no diamonds
<PokeModbot> Reah_LMS logged in.
<PokeModbot> <barnitzn> cause frenz and me agreed on no enchants pots dogs
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> i neva used pots
<PokeModbot> teagan7 has left the server.
<PokeModbot> <Victini998> Maki you are the 16th richest on the server o_o
<PokeModbot> <nguyencraft> ill buy a stack of iron for 500
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> I'll never get the violet city badge
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> im rlly puur
<PokeModbot> <barnitzn> same z4
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> yo z4
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> My cat is liek
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> so fawt
<PokeModbot> <FluffytheKitty> home
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> fawt?
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> Hawt?
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> hes laying on his fat ass :P
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> Fat?
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> ahk
<PokeModbot> <Victini998> Well, I'm guessing the Johto gyms will get easier too once the new regions are out >.>
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> Like the fat fuck he is.
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> Mah cat has one eye
<PokeModbot> <teenozoom77>  Arceus  woman stop breaking grass
<PokeModbot> <barnitzn> yeah prob
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> aw
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> What happened?
<PokeModbot> <barnitzn> cept i think you need to get 4 kanto badges and you can challenge any other region
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> He used to be a stray
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> Aw
<PokeModbot> <barnitzn> that way it will balance out
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> mine to
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> And we followed him
<PokeModbot> olliereeed logged in.
<PokeModbot> <Victini998> I guess
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> I have 7 cats
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> 1 Mum 1 dad
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> 5 kits
<PokeModbot> olliereeed has left the server.
<PokeModbot> <hobo4chompy> Everyone
<PokeModbot> <barnitzn> cause being in unova will be the top of the tops
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> wat\
<PokeModbot> <hobo4chompy> Johto Champion says to forgive everyone
<PokeModbot> <barnitzn> yeah hobo?
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> mhm
<PokeModbot> <hobo4chompy> And give all stuff back
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> hobo speaks 4 eva
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> no
<PokeModbot> <hobo4chompy> :c
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> ima burn it
<PokeModbot> <barnitzn> frenz wtf why are you such an ass all the time to me?
<PokeModbot> <Frozen_Money> makina 8==D~~~~ {[o]}................
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> Lol
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> %
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> ^^
<PokeModbot> <teenozoom77> because i blew up retails house
<PokeModbot> <nguyencraft> selling sharp 4 dia axe
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> lolol
<PokeModbot> <hobo4chompy> Ill buy
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> Price nguy?
<PokeModbot> <nguyencraft> offer
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> me nguye
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> 5k
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> 6k
<PokeModbot> <hobo4chompy> 5.1k
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> 7k
<PokeModbot> <hobo4chompy> 7k
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> 10k
<PokeModbot> <hobo4chompy> 8k
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> 8k
<PokeModbot> <teenozoom77> 100l\
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> fak
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> 10k.
<PokeModbot> <Victini998> 0.1k
<PokeModbot> <nguyencraft> 10k
<PokeModbot> <teenozoom77> 100k
<PokeModbot> <barnitzn> i already have a sharp 4 unbreaking 3 dia axe
<PokeModbot> <nguyencraft> deal
<PokeModbot> <Victini998> I win
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> 10k
<PokeModbot> <hobo4chompy> Guy
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> Frenz isn't even gonna buy it
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> take it or leave it
<PokeModbot> <Victini998> 0.1k
<PokeModbot> <FluffytheKitty> =3 my mush-room is working
<PokeModbot> <nguyencraft> frenz u win
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> k
<PokeModbot> <nguyencraft> pay first
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> Frenz won't even pay I bet
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> i will
<PokeModbot> <barnitzn> he wont
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> Meh
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> Whatever
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> No 10k then
<PokeModbot> <Victini998> He'll pay 1 cent
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> Whatever
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> Nguyen deal or no deal
<PokeModbot> <nguyencraft> well frenz u might kill me
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> Fine no deal
<PokeModbot> <hobo4chompy> Frenzy
<PokeModbot> retailiation has left the server.
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> wat
<PokeModbot> <barnitzn> i lost a fire aspect II book cause frenz wouldnt pay me for it, and he attacked me cause his VIP is
<PokeModbot> retailiation logged in.
<PokeModbot> <barnitzn> pvp
<PokeModbot> <hobo4chompy> Your PVP Is Enabled in your Vip
<PokeModbot> <nguyencraft> sharp 4
<PokeModbot> <nguyencraft> unesd
<PokeModbot> <hobo4chompy> So how much
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> Dafuq
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> yeah so wat
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> wat
<PokeModbot> <teenozoom77> FLuffy NUUU
<PokeModbot> <teenozoom77> STOP
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> I warped to frenz's vip
<PokeModbot> <nguyencraft> OMG
<PokeModbot> <barnitzn> sorry z4
<PokeModbot> <teenozoom77> fluffy
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> And was attacked by an invisible
<PokeModbot> <barnitzn> thought it was frenz
<PokeModbot> <nguyencraft> hobo :(
<PokeModbot> <barnitzn> xD
<PokeModbot> <hobo4chompy> Guy How much
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> fak ye
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> w
<PokeModbot> <barnitzn> g2g
<PokeModbot> <nguyencraft> guy?
<PokeModbot> barnitzn has left the server.
<PokeModbot> <Victini998> Yesss #91 :D
<PokeModbot> <nguyencraft> but my other stuff
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> >3
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> <3
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> love you z4
<PokeModbot> <nguyencraft> lol
<PokeModbot> <nguyencraft> u thought id scam u
<PokeModbot> <nguyencraft> so u killed me
<PokeModbot> <hobo4chompy> I dont scam
<PokeModbot> <nguyencraft> lol
<PokeModbot> <hobo4chompy> I just troll then Be Real :3
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> Hobo never ever scams
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> EVER
<PokeModbot> <nguyencraft> well thanks
<PokeModbot> <hobo4chompy> Np
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> He never has scammed
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> And never will
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> yeah hobo is cool
<PokeModbot> <hobo4chompy> :D
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> I admire hobo
<PokeModbot> * Z4X3R Is dying inside
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> Hes a troll and hes nice
<PokeModbot> <nguyencraft> me too
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> Im a troll and a dic
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> dick*
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> only half of hobo :P
<PokeModbot> <hobo4chompy> And thats why we all love you
<PokeModbot> <fish_boy_2002> hay victini does your gym allow enchanted items?
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> me?
<PokeModbot> <hobo4chompy> Nether Ore
<PokeModbot> <hobo4chompy> Nether Ore
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> wat
<PokeModbot> <nguyencraft> well hobo u took my 20 lvls away :(
<PokeModbot> <hobo4chompy> Quartz Ore :c
<PokeModbot> <hobo4chompy> Sorry Guyen :C
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> z4
<PokeModbot> <nguyencraft> itsk
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> How the flipping fuck
<PokeModbot> <teenozoom77> nether quartz
<PokeModbot> <hobo4chompy> :O
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> HOW
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> MAGIC
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> BITCH
<PokeModbot> <hobo4chompy> Frenzy likes to play with my Titties ._.
<PokeModbot> <nguyencraft> NUCE
<PokeModbot> <Frozen_Money> retail
<PokeModbot> <nguyencraft> nice
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> no homo hobo
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> BITCH
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> hobo
<PokeModbot> <FluffytheKitty> ? nether quartz is only in 1.5 or did the server update
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> how the
<PokeModbot> <hobo4chompy> :I
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> get him out hobo
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> Wut nu hobo
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> </3
<PokeModbot> <hobo4chompy> You hit me :c
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> :c
<PokeModbot> <hobo4chompy> I had to take a Stand
<PokeModbot> <hobo4chompy> Cause
<PokeModbot> <hobo4chompy> Im not afraid
<PokeModbot> <hobo4chompy> Im not afraid
<PokeModbot> <hobo4chompy> To take a stand
<PokeModbot> <hobo4chompy> Take a stand
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> Ugh  Arceus .
<PokeModbot> <FluffytheKitty> who is selling eggs
<PokeModbot> <hobo4chompy> EveryBody
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> Not this song.
<PokeModbot> <hobo4chompy> Everybody
<PokeModbot> <hobo4chompy> Hold my hand
<PokeModbot> <hobo4chompy> Hold my hand
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> SON OF
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> BITCH
<PokeModbot> <Victini998> I think I'll blow up some TNT to tune out this song >.>
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> a fucking BITCH
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> FUCKING
<PokeModbot> <Victini998> I think I'll blow up some TNT to tune out this song >.>
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> THankyou
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> </3
<PokeModbot> madenton logged in.
<PokeModbot> <fish_boy_2002> ah dang it no enchants :(
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> hobo </3
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> fak yew
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> I'll be bach
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> ..
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> How the fuck can z4 get in
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> OH
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> You set your home
<PokeModbot> MakiMan123456789 was kicked: [not using the GameBoy for 10 minutes.]
<PokeModbot> MakiMan123456789 has left the server.
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> No
<PokeModbot> <hobo4chompy> Gtg
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> Tha
<PokeModbot> Frenzy_Monkey47 has left the server.
<PokeModbot> Frenzy_Monkey47 logged in.
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> dick
<PokeModbot> Keldeoluv logged in.
<PokeModbot> <madenton> Welcome Keldeoluv
<PokeModbot> Frenzy_Monkey47 has left the server.
<PokeModbot> Frenzy_Monkey47 logged in.
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> test
<PokeModbot> <hobo4chompy> Z4
<PokeModbot> Reah_LMS has left the server.
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> ..
<PokeModbot> <hobo4chompy> You are my friend
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> z4 howd you get in
<PokeModbot> <hobo4chompy> But Vip killing is not Ok
<PokeModbot> ranji1234 logged in.
<PokeModbot> <teenozoom77> :P
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> Frenz duz it
<PokeModbot> <hobo4chompy> Maybe he knows your Warp
<PokeModbot> <ranji1234> Hey
<PokeModbot> <ranji1234> hey hobo
<PokeModbot> <ranji1234> so you beat pichu..
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> Its blocked off
<PokeModbot> <hobo4chompy> Yo Ranji
<PokeModbot> <FluffytheKitty> home
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> fak yew
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> FUCK
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> z4 is bacj
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> FAK YEW
<PokeModbot> Eruptosaur logged in.
<PokeModbot> <madenton> Welcome Eruptosaur
<PokeModbot> <ranji1234> hey vict
<PokeModbot> <Eruptosaur> thank you
<PokeModbot> <hobo4chompy> Z4
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> wut
<PokeModbot> <Victini998> Hi
<PokeModbot> <hobo4chompy> You have disturbed the Johto Champions Way of peace
<PokeModbot> ShunMasterY logged in.
<PokeModbot> <ranji1234> so what ya doing now
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> FAK YEW
<PokeModbot> <Frozen_Money> what acetrainer?
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> And johto elites
<PokeModbot> <hobo4chompy> Prepare to get Side Swiped in more ways then one
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> BITCH
<PokeModbot> <ranji1234> amazing how you used to be a pewter gym
<PokeModbot> <fish_boy_2002> lol
<PokeModbot> <hobo4chompy> But i gtg
<PokeModbot> <hobo4chompy> See ya ^_^
<PokeModbot> <ranji1234> now your a champion..
<PokeModbot> hobo4chompy has left the server.
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> Bye friend
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> SOn of a fucking BITCG
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> I  have a bad feeling
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> You should
<PokeModbot> Frozen_Money has left the server.
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> It has something to do with xander
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> Get out or your dead
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> If you no what i mean
<PokeModbot> Frozen_Money logged in.
<PokeModbot> teagan7 logged in.
<PokeModbot> Keldeoluv has left the server.
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> .
<PokeModbot> Keldeoluv logged in.
<PokeModbot> Frozen_Money has left the server.
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> fucking heall
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> ..
<PokeModbot> Frozen_Money logged in.
<PokeModbot> Frozen_Money has left the server.
<PokeModbot> Frozen_Money logged in.
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> Bye
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> Get out z4
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> If you say so
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> omg
<PokeModbot> <Frozen_Money> is there pvp?
<PokeModbot> Frenzy_Monkey47 has left the server.
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> Yes
<PokeModbot> Frenzy_Monkey47 logged in.
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> ..
<PokeModbot> ShunMasterY has left the server.
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> z4
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> wut
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> I lag so fucking much
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> Your going to die
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> Ok
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> you're*
<PokeModbot> Keldeoluv has left the server.
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> ..
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> lagtest
<PokeModbot> Eruptosaur has left the server.
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> ./lag
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> ;...
<PokeModbot> <Frozen_Money> xD
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> testtttttt
<PokeModbot> <nguyencraft> 20tps
<PokeModbot> <Victini998> Is 20 good?
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> ..
<PokeModbot> <Frozen_Money> no
<PokeModbot> <Victini998> Is 20 good?
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> 20 means no lag
<PokeModbot> <Frozen_Money> no
<PokeModbot> <Frozen_Money> 20 is so bad
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> You dicks.
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> 20 is good for tps
<PokeModbot> <FluffytheKitty> what about over 9000
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> ^
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> Z4
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> Get OUT
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> wut
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> Ask a mod or admin to disable pvp
<PokeModbot> riku0878 logged in.
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> get outtt
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> That's what she said
<PokeModbot> <Frozen_Money> xD
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> Fro watch
<PokeModbot> <Frozen_Money> retail
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> I'm getting out
<PokeModbot> <Frozen_Money> z4 is out
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> Fro am I out?
<PokeModbot> <Frozen_Money> z4 is out
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> I think I'll come back in
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> NO
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> OMG
<PokeModbot> <Frozen_Money> LUL
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> HI
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> get out please -.-
<PokeModbot> <Frozen_Money> mia go
<PokeModbot> <Frozen_Money> ima
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> Ask a mod or admin to disable pvp
<PokeModbot> ranji1234 has left the server.
<PokeModbot> <Frozen_Money> he said please
<PokeModbot> <FluffytheKitty> well bad news the dog died
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> No.
<PokeModbot> <FluffytheKitty> ... oook
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> You have brought this upon yourself
<PokeModbot> <teenozoom77> XD
<PokeModbot> <FluffytheKitty> noooo dont go in the lava
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> scared
<PokeModbot> Ianpc13 logged in.
<PokeModbot> <teenozoom77> there
<PokeModbot> <nguyencraft> yay 230 in axes making progress
<PokeModbot> madenton has left the server.
<PokeModbot> <Frozen_Money> retail
<PokeModbot> <retailiation> ya
<PokeModbot> <Frozen_Money> oh
<PokeModbot> <Frozen_Money> join the server pokemon server on ts
<PokeModbot> <retailiation> y
<PokeModbot> <Frozen_Money> b_rad in there
<PokeModbot> Ianpc13 has left the server.
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> scared
<PokeModbot> nguyencraft has left the server.
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> I'm a magic man
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> ..
<PokeModbot> guilliamguilliam logged in.
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> z4
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> wut
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> come back
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> k
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> HOW THE
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> FUCK
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> I'm a
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> MAGIC
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> MAN
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> BITCH
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> Oops
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> Z4
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> I forgot my punctuation
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> I am a magic man!
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> This proves how much of a bitch you are.
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> Bitch
<PokeModbot> Ianpc13 logged in.
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> ..
<PokeModbot> mfp_hardcase logged in.
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> Z4
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> My armor back.
<PokeModbot> <riku0878> that was a bad idea
<PokeModbot> ShunMasterY logged in.
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> We are even come ON
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> You brought pots
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> You
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> Because you wouldnt FUCKING LEAVE
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> Brought
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> POTS
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> you can have armor back
<PokeModbot> <mfp_hardcase> hi
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> No fucking keep it
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> But you just asked for it back
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> You lost all my respect.
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> Ask a mod/admin to disable pvp in your vip
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> Seriously fuck you z4
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> No.
<PokeModbot> <Ianpc13> ?
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> Or things like this will happen
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> This isn't the end of this Z
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> Z4*
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> The end of what
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> I'll kick your ass
<PokeModbot> Frenzy_Monkey47 has left the server.
<PokeModbot> mfp_hardcase has left the server.
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> I can't WAIT
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> FAK
<PokeModbot> Z4X3R has left the server.
<PokeModbot> Z4X3R logged in.
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> Lol can't believe I made frenz rage
<PokeModbot> barnitzn logged in.
<PokeModbot> <barnitzn> hi
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> Barn
<PokeModbot> <barnitzn> yeah z4?
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> You missed it
<PokeModbot> <barnitzn> what?
<PokeModbot> <Ianpc13> hi barn
<PokeModbot> <barnitzn> hi ian
<PokeModbot> Frenzy_Monkey47 logged in.
<PokeModbot> <Victini998> Hi Barn
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> Welcome back frenz
<PokeModbot> barnitzn has left the server.
<PokeModbot> barnitzn logged in.
<PokeModbot> <Ianpc13> anyone wanna buy a protection 4 book for 10 K?
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> 10k?
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> GET
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> OUT
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> Kindof expensive
<PokeModbot> <Ianpc13> 7.5K
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> LOL
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> BARN
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> Get
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> OUT
<PokeModbot> <barnitzn> yeah?
<PokeModbot> <barnitzn> why?
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> You piece of worthless SHIT
<PokeModbot> <guilliamguilliam> hmmm 7.5
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> s
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> My house
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> Thank you z4...
<PokeModbot> <guilliamguilliam> lol
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> PARTY
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> No
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> Z4 just stop please -.-
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> Party in frenz's vip
<PokeModbot> <Ianpc13> xD
<PokeModbot> <Ianpc13> ???
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> ^
<PokeModbot> <Ianpc13> ??
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> Fuck you all ..
<PokeModbot> <teenozoom77> ^
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> barn don't attack
<PokeModbot> <barnitzn> :D
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> Just sit up here
<PokeModbot> <barnitzn> ok
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> And dance
<PokeModbot> <Ianpc13> party frenzy vip
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> I hate you all
<PokeModbot> <barnitzn> we hate you to
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> no
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> I don't hate frenz
<PokeModbot> <guilliamguilliam> party in frenzvip
<PokeModbot> <barnitzn> i do
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> Go suck a cock barn
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> FAK YEW
<PokeModbot> <Ianpc13> thats true frenzy hate me again ?
<PokeModbot> <guilliamguilliam> lol
<PokeModbot> <barnitzn> dont accept
<PokeModbot> <Ianpc13> and this
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> I hate you all
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> </3
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> Frenz I'm putting your armor in the water
<PokeModbot> <guilliamguilliam> i wanne give you something -.-
<PokeModbot> ranji1234 logged in.
<PokeModbot> <Ianpc13> Frenzy hate me again ? (check)
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> Go ahead.
<PokeModbot> Ianpc13 has left the server.
<PokeModbot> Ianpc13 logged in.
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> Surprise
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> You're having triplets
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> Surprise
<PokeModbot> <teenozoom77> XD
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> Get out please -.-
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> Your house was built on an ancient burial ground
<PokeModbot> <guilliamguilliam> party in frenzvip
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> I think frenz is lonely
<PokeModbot> <Ianpc13> always
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> He needs our company
<PokeModbot> <Ianpc13> ok
<PokeModbot> <barnitzn> stripper pole :D
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> stahp
<PokeModbot> <barnitzn> awww
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> Gulliam
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> stahp
<PokeModbot> <ranji1234> Gulliam
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> I hope your happy
<PokeModbot> <ranji1234> may i battle you
<PokeModbot> <guilliamguilliam> don't kill my friend
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> you're*
<PokeModbot> <ranji1234> gulliam can i battle you
<PokeModbot> <guilliamguilliam> not now
<PokeModbot> <guilliamguilliam> i am bissy
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> Bissy
<PokeModbot> daustin5042 logged in.
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> lol
<PokeModbot> <ranji1234> ill be in your gym ready
<PokeModbot> ryancpexpert logged in.
<PokeModbot> <barnitzn> hi ryan
<PokeModbot> ryancpexpert has left the server.
<PokeModbot> <ranji1234> tell me when your not BUsy
<PokeModbot> Victini998 was kicked: [Block breaking out of sync!]
<PokeModbot> Victini998 has left the server.
<PokeModbot> ryancpexpert logged in.
<PokeModbot> Victini998 logged in.
<PokeModbot> ryancpexpert has left the server.
<PokeModbot> <Victini998> Dafug
<PokeModbot> <barnitzn> ? what vic?
<PokeModbot> <Victini998> WTF
<PokeModbot> ShunMasterY was kicked: [not using the GameBoy for 10 minutes.]
<PokeModbot> ShunMasterY has left the server.
<PokeModbot> <ranji1234> what?
<PokeModbot> <Victini998> I was just kicked for "Block breaking out of sync"
<PokeModbot> ryancpexpert logged in.
<PokeModbot> madenton logged in.
<PokeModbot> <Victini998> Wtf?
<PokeModbot> ryancpexpert has left the server.
<PokeModbot> <ranji1234> o
<PokeModbot> daustin5042 has left the server.
<PokeModbot> <FluffytheKitty> :( enderman was in the bedroom
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> victini
<PokeModbot> <barnitzn> lol
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> Stahp haxing
<PokeModbot> <FluffytheKitty> :( still is
<PokeModbot> ryancpexpert logged in.
<PokeModbot> <barnitzn> dont break blocks in water/soulsand
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> stahp haxing it's no kewl
<PokeModbot> <barnitzn> 1.5 is awsome
<PokeModbot> <ranji1234> hey ryan
<PokeModbot> <ranji1234> ill fight ya
<PokeModbot> <barnitzn> cant wait
<PokeModbot> ryancpexpert has left the server.
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> Your Mum is awesome
<PokeModbot> <ranji1234> im coming
<PokeModbot> <barnitzn> to have a quartz gym
<PokeModbot> <Victini998> I broke blocks in water
<PokeModbot> <Victini998> >.>
<PokeModbot> FluffytheKitty has left the server.
<PokeModbot> ryancpexpert logged in.
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> gulliam
<PokeModbot> FluffytheKitty logged in.
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> stahp
<PokeModbot> <barnitzn> lol
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> wat r u doin
<PokeModbot> <guilliamguilliam> lol
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> stahp
<PokeModbot> ryancpexpert has left the server.
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> STAHP
<PokeModbot> <barnitzn> frenz staph
<PokeModbot> ryancpexpert logged in.
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> That awkward moment when I kill everyone but frenz
<PokeModbot> <barnitzn> ;,(
<PokeModbot> <ranji1234> that awkward moment when its not awkward..
<PokeModbot> Frenzy_Monkey47 has left the server.
<PokeModbot> Ianpc13 has left the server.
<PokeModbot> Ianpc13 logged in.
<PokeModbot> Frenzy_Monkey47 logged in.
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> <3 frenz
<PokeModbot> <barnitzn> D: why z4
<PokeModbot> <guilliamguilliam> LOL
<PokeModbot> <Ianpc13> ?
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> Z4 get out please.
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> but but whyyyy
<PokeModbot> <Victini998> Ryan
<PokeModbot> <Victini998> Mah lonz
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> I'm protecting you
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> Suure
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> SURE
<PokeModbot> <FluffytheKitty> :( what is all this lag
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> I will get my revenge one day
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> <3 frenz
<PokeModbot> Frozen_Money has left the server.
<PokeModbot> <Ianpc13> and then
<PokeModbot> Frozen_Money logged in.
<PokeModbot> <Ianpc13> and then
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> How the FUCK are they GETTING in?!
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> Sethomes
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> Thats ilegal
<PokeModbot> TORNADOTOM50 logged in.
<PokeModbot> <barnitzn> nope frenz
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> It is.
<PokeModbot> <Ianpc13> nop
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> I think.
<PokeModbot> <barnitzn> says nothing about setting homes in VIP
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> I can't stresh how annoyed I am now
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> lol
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> Stresh
<PokeModbot> <Victini998> Stesh
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> Stress
<PokeModbot> <ranji1234> stresh?
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> Who fucking gives a shit.
<PokeModbot> <Victini998> Stirsh
<PokeModbot> <barnitzn> anyone selling diamonds?
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> Grammar nazi cares
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> Me barn
<PokeModbot> <barnitzn> no frenz
<PokeModbot> <barnitzn> i wont buy from you
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> Good I dont want your shitty hands on them
<PokeModbot> <barnitzn> ok
<PokeModbot> <barnitzn> i need 6
<PokeModbot> <barnitzn> price?
<PokeModbot> <Victini998> Ooooo
<PokeModbot> <Victini998> Mctop 9 :D
<PokeModbot> Ianpc13 has left the server.
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> NO
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> FAK
<PokeModbot> Ianpc13 logged in.
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> Sorry
<PokeModbot> <barnitzn> ok
<PokeModbot> madenton has left the server.
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> I will have my revenge.
<PokeModbot> Ianpc13 has left the server.
<PokeModbot> Frenzy_Monkey47 has left the server.
<PokeModbot> Ianpc13 logged in.
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> Bye
<PokeModbot> <barnitzn> i hope frenz will get banned soon
<PokeModbot> <Ianpc13> bye
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> No barn
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> Frenz is kewl
<PokeModbot> <guilliamguilliam> bye
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> <3 frenz
<PokeModbot> <Ianpc13> or dumbass at least
<PokeModbot> <barnitzn> yeah it is cool ryan
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> No homo
<PokeModbot> Z4X3R has left the server.
<PokeModbot> <ryancpexpert> i made it last night

And Z4? "Ask an admin or mod to disable pvp" Doesn't override the "You are not allowed to enter/sethome in another house without permission"
(And don't try to bullshit me saying "Its a VIP not a house")



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Re: So let me get this straight...
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2013, 05:54:47 pm »
100% agreed, this needs an answer or there will be harsh punishment.


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Re: So let me get this straight...
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2013, 06:05:08 pm »
I never set any homes in his VIP, and I went in there and camped just because I was angry at him for killing me and taking my stuff, I take responsibility for it and I am sorry about it


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Re: So let me get this straight...
« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2013, 08:15:37 pm »
First off, didn't sethome, and I don't see what is wrong with going into VIPs if there are specifically made public warps to them. I remember lots of times when somebody kills another person in a pvp enabled VIP, and the result was something along the lines of "If pvp was enabled, it was meant to be that way, and if the situation was reversed, the intruder wouldn't receive punisent either." The pot spam had nothing to do with it, I was looking for fun on a slow day. If this deserves punishment, I'll take it.


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Re: So let me get this straight...
« Reply #4 on: March 13, 2013, 10:02:45 pm »
wasn't enough  of a hint?


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Re: So let me get this straight...
« Reply #5 on: March 13, 2013, 10:07:42 pm »
All in good fun


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Re: So let me get this straight...
« Reply #6 on: March 13, 2013, 10:15:30 pm »
This is unacceptable, this level of douchebaggery makes the ash gang of old look like the perfect players
Where's the fire? What's the hurry about? You better cool it off before you burn it out.


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Re: So let me get this straight...
« Reply #7 on: March 13, 2013, 10:17:42 pm »
All in good fun
having fun is one thing, when it gets to the point your stopping someone else from bring able to enjoy their time on the server, its a serious issue, funs over
Where's the fire? What's the hurry about? You better cool it off before you burn it out.


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Re: So let me get this straight...
« Reply #8 on: March 14, 2013, 12:34:36 am »
OK obvious Rules broken for sure.  (Only basing proof off what a person has actually admitted to doing).
1. Z4 Obviously broke RULE 1, first.
2. Frenzy Broke rule 1 also,
3. Barn Broke Rule 1 as well,
4. Everyone broke rule 1, never let up feeding the madness with their excessive trolling
5.  Frenzy Never Admitted To Using Pots, I believe he has the right of until proven guilty.  Obviously I'm not taking Barn's, or Z4's plea that he was as actually using the terrible things, cause people can "Say" a lot of things.
6.  Z4 admitted that he was using the /sethome command.

"<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> How the FUCK are they GETTING in?!
<PokeModbot> <Z4X3R> Sethomes
<PokeModbot> <Frenzy_Monkey47> Thats ilegal"

7. Barn did not admit that he was using the /sethome command, and like Frenzy I believe he has the right of "Until proven guilty".

My vote is as follows (for what it's worth)
Frenzy gets a minor punishment for breaking rule one, whatever that punishment may be (mute I think), for excessive ignorance to the first rule perhaps a temp ban.
Barn gets a similar punishment as frenzy for breaking the first rule, the same as Frenzy.  He did not actually admit to using the /sethome command to warp to Frenzys room, and I don't see any proof but Frenzy's word of him doing so. Under the belief that he was just returning to his VIP room via the /warp command, or walking there with an open door, that does not break any rules.
Z4 gets an advanced ban for breaking the first rule on multiple occasions, and using the /sethome command to return to Frenzy's VIP room.

Note: It is true that it has been said that if there is PVP enabled in someone's home, store, or personal rooms, then the punishment of killing another player is denied, cause the incident could of happened vice-versa.  Thus I think the word mostly used "Camping" should be ignored due to the fact that Z4 and Barn were only following this rule.
*Z4 however did admit of setting his home inside Frenzy's VIP room, which is a bannable offense
*Barn did not admit that he was using /sethome to enter Frenzy's VIP room, which I think he deserves the right to be innocent till proven guilty.

I'm not trying to take sides.  Personally I find myself a friend to Z4, and Frenzy.  I actually find Z4 as one of my better friends on the server.  It just seems that most are pinning down on Z4, when Frenzy did feed the flames with his trolling after killing them, when he could of just ignored them, reported them, and only they would have been punished for breaking Rule 1 (as via the announcement on respecting those who are mean to you, to be the better person announcement).

TL;DR, just a commoner throwing in an opinion.  Can be easily ignored, cause it's best these dealings be disputed between the admins. I'm sure you will always pass rightful judgement, and we love you all.


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Re: So let me get this straight...
« Reply #9 on: March 14, 2013, 12:42:35 am »
OK obvious Rules broken for sure.  (Only basing proof off what a person has actually admitted to doing).
1. Z4 Obviously broke RULE 1, first.
2. Frenzy Broke rule 1 also,
3. Barn Broke Rule 1 as well,
4. Everyone broke rule 1,

I was on >_> <_< And how did i break Rule 1


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Re: So let me get this straight...
« Reply #10 on: March 14, 2013, 12:53:20 am »
I will say again, I did not sethome.Your "proof" of me saying sethomes was referring to Ian and Gulliam, who were getting in a little later. Check the logs pr whatever, I'm not lying.I don't quite understand how I directly broke rule 1. All I did verbally was ignore his pleas to leave, I wasn't an asshole(mainly). Probably the worst thing I said was, in caps, "I'm a magic man! Bitch." If you're going to ban me for that, I'll take it I guess. Main point: The only way I got into the VIP was through his warp, and I wasn't an asshole deserving a rule one ban.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2013, 12:56:39 am by Z4X3R »


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Re: So let me get this straight...
« Reply #11 on: March 14, 2013, 04:00:06 am »
Wait is Z4 Rule 1 Banned


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Re: So let me get this straight...
« Reply #12 on: March 14, 2013, 04:45:13 am »
Wait is Z4 Rule 1 Banned

Do a seen on him. You'll see he's not.


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Re: So let me get this straight...
« Reply #13 on: March 14, 2013, 07:57:34 am »
I had to pay guillianguillian 5k to unset his home btw.  Just stating that :I


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Re: So let me get this straight...
« Reply #14 on: March 14, 2013, 07:58:32 am »
First off, didn't sethome, and I don't see what is wrong with going into VIPs if there are specifically made public warps to them. I remember lots of times when somebody kills another person in a pvp enabled VIP, and the result was something along the lines of "If pvp was enabled, it was meant to be that way, and if the situation was reversed, the intruder wouldn't receive punisent either." The pot spam had nothing to do with it, I was looking for fun on a slow day. If this deserves punishment, I'll take it.