Do you want people to pay you to kill other people/places/thing/ideas?
Well join the Mercenary Guild.
-Anyone can apply. Just message me some way and put your name out.
-Tell if you have Teamspeech.
-Applying will probably get you in. However plain stupidness or immaturity is not tolorated.
-If you are kicked from Mercenary Guild, you will be hunted by our agents two different times. Not directly. But watch your back.
-Tygercorps is awesome. Duh.
-Applying format follows:
1) Why do you want to join:
2) What type of weapon to you usually use:
3) Are you sneaky or brute:
4) Can you work in team missions featuring small hit-squads:
5) If you were given money that was meant to be provided for you and the team for the job, would you give it to them:
6) How generous are you in terms of service:
7) How commited would you be:
8) How often are you on:
9) Would you try to apply for Council positions:
10) How old are you (optional):
Commanders, Captains, Lieutenants, and Generals/Admirals are our Primary Ranks.
Lords, Council, Recruiters, are our Secondary Positions.
If you want to become a Captain or higher, you must prove your trust completely. Lieutenants are chosen by their captain.