There are a lot of guides out there with the stated goal of improving your Elo to get you into some mythical high tier, like “silver” or whatever. The point being, I assume, that if you get really high in ranked, you’ll know you’re great at League of Legends. But why go through all that? You can genuinely believe you’re the best League player in the world while you’re in Bronze. It’s way less effort. This will tell you how.
The first decision is what role you should play. This is a role that you will call immediately upon entering the ranked queue, and kindly inform your teammates that you do not play anything else. Why would you? You’re the best. The three roles in League of Legends are top, mid, and ADC. ADC, because it has “carry” in the name, means that you will carry the team, and therefore have the most kills (= best player). This is probably where you want to start. The advantage to going mid is that, if your opponent ever kills you, it probably happened in .05 seconds, so it was definitely lag riot fix ur servers omg. Top lane is a unique position, in that it is boring as shit and nothing ever happens. Consider going top lane if your favorite music is “whatever’s on the radio,” your favorite movie is Avatar, and you’re a business major.
The next decision is what champion you’ll play. Every Bronze player should play Lee Sin, because Lee Sin can do literally anything. Feel free to chase an opponent to their nexus towers at level four, because you’re Lee Sin and can freely teleport around the map instantly. This leads to an important note: if you die, that’s okay! Think very carefully about why you died. Were you alone when you died? Inform your teammates that they should have been there with you. Were your teammates there? Inform them that, with optimal play, they could have defeated the enemies. With teamwork, anything is possible- even a pentakill! The pentakill is the object of League of Legends. If you get one, you win League.
If you play ADC, the champions to choose from are Vayne and Ezreal. Your goal on these champions is to get as many kills as possible. You will notice another player in your lane. They exist as a bit of added fun for each ADC, to give them another player that they can potentially kill. Some players queue into the game not intending to play, but merely stand around while they have a beer, which results in this role. As their position does not involve defeating the enemy and yours does, please inform them early on that you will not tolerate them taking any of your kills. (Your kills are defined as times the enemy dies, or can die. To calculate your kills, look at the total number your team has. Those are yours.) If by some odd circumstance you die and this other player does not, they are expected to wait for you to get back to lane before dealing damage. It’s just common courtesy.
I hope this was informative in telling you how to get into Bronze. No matter what happens, just remember: you’re the best!