I've seen instances where someone has died 4 or 5 times in a row attempting to collect their items down a hole or cliff.
I monitor the behaviour I see and act upon it, death messages aren't 100% reliable in these circumstances.
Exactly this way it can monitored, and recorded even better. Also provides the ones that are actually breaking the rules a warning to act on. This way when they are convicted, they can't just say "Well I never knew it was against the rules and isn't listed in the rules" to get out of it, and no "If you have read other threads then you would have noticed that it is against the rules that someone broke before", cause why should a new player take the time to read the threads that have been long forgotten? Waste of time when you it should really be listed in the rules.
This way it avoids it all, cause then if they are suicide training, get the warning, and continue. They can be banned, and take a full proper punishment over getting excused due to negligence, or getting punished a full punishment while making the admins/mods look unprofessional cause they wanna bring up past issues. On top of it all, it also means the admins/mods don't have to update the rules.