I basically recently claimed Viridian Gym, and so for a while I've had nothing on my team but my 5 Gym Ground Type Pokémon, I logged on this morning and my 4 other Prized Pokémon (My main team) we're just gone! They'd been in my PC since I claimed the Gym and when I finally decided to switch to my main team and train they're not even there...
The 4 Pokémon I lost were as follows:
Carracosta lvl 50, Wigglytuff lvl 48, Parasect lvl 42 and Arcanine lvl 57
I have a screenshot to show My Carracosta and Wigglytuff, but my other Screenshot for Parasect doesn't show the level it was at when It disappeared, and sadly because of how recently I caught Arcanine I don't have any Pics to prove I had him, I hope you can believe me and if you ask Archie, Ali or Liquid who were in the Skype call when I caught him, they'd tell you I actually did have him...
I hope I can be compensated as I've pretty much lost my entire team :I
So yeah, thanks and I hope to hear from an Admin or something..
http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=x59lyf&s=5 Carracosta and Wigglytuff...
http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=dbtjwp&s=5 And Parasect...