I will be hosting a Battle Tourney tonight, We are looking to get as many people possible so be ready and be there!
Tourney Info:
Date: 8-24-2013
Time: Starts 7 PM EST
Where: Champion Arena
Prize: The Jackpot of entry tickets
Entry Fee: The entry fee will be 5 nuggets
-There is a level cap of 65
-Any use of a Pokémon above the level of 65, counts as a forfeit
-We are using a brackets system, it is random who you go up against
-No Flaming or Harassment of battlers
-Listen to the Battle Judge (Referee)
-Healing potions or anything along those lines are ALLOWED
-Have fun of course
I hope to see everyone attend, this should be a fun event. It's also a way to make money, so if you need to train up your Pokémon so you will be ready to challenge.
Congratz to Daanor for being the First Tourney Winner!
If you wish to see more tourneys let me know by commenting on this thread.