[04:01am] cheezetarts: Before I check the changelog, did you guys lower unarmed skill powers?
[04:01am] Riking: hm?
[04:01am] cheezetarts: Players are saying it takes them 12 hits to kill a zombie with unarmed
[04:02am] cheezetarts: before the update they could kill on in 3-4 hits
[04:02am] cheezetarts: same goes with axes
[04:10am] cheezetarts: Hm, I dont see anything about it in the changelogs
[05:30am] GJ: cheezetarts, we *kinda* did.
[05:31am] GJ: The damage is now individually applied, rather than stacked.
[05:31am] cheezetarts: What do you mean?
[05:33am] GJ: For instance, with unarmed, the old method was ((baseDamage + ironArmBonus) * berserkModifier)
[05:34am] GJ: Now it's ironArmBonus + (baseDamage * berserkModifier)
[05:35am] GJ: But we're having some issues with Unarmed anyways right now that we're trying to sort out.
Its just a small issue with the current version of mcMMO. Should be fixed in a future update.