Updated to 1.12!
Or you can host it if you want.
I think that would be fun.
Love how both of you are online yet barn is in a league game and kreston challanged me to a game with an electric team even though he challenged the tourney with an ice team -_-
Been an exiting day for me
gonna have to delay my battle till after my vacation. I'm enjoying the best place in the world.(In my opinion) P.S. I know people are gonna wonder how I'm on the internet in the first place, so here's an explanation. I'm on Walt Disney World's wi-fi. So see you guys when I get back!
Soooo, how long is this...?
Exactly what Im thinking, if its more than a week I think thats unfair. I dont think we are even past round 2 and its been almost a month. We need to start disqualifying people who dont battle within a week. Each round should last a week. What do you think tene?
If Ryan makes no show by the weekend.
Thats too far away, I have the UK X and Y tournament soon anyway. Its taking too long for these games. It shouldnt take a whole months for just 2 or 3 games to be played. He coul of just brought his 3ds on holiday with him.