Gav, why would you leave us for other games? Like many before me have said, don't leave us.
But on another side-note, Why does CoD get so much hate? It was probably the newest game (CoD: Ghosts) that left a bad taste in our mouths.
Or maybe it is the poor choice for story plots. Even though the story in some of the games sucked, it doesn't mean it's a bad game in general.
But just to mention MatPat, (Game theorist) you might question the war crimes done in the franchise. here, watch it, it's brilliant.
The multiplayer mode may be frustrating and full of under-aged people, but it is not the game's fault, even though you died in just a few shots doesn't mean
that the designers are out to get you. They wanted to create a difficulty level that was complex, and made you feel good once you killed the person who was
sitting in the corner the whole game. there were different ways you could play the game, whether you hide, run around, or flank others around a corner.
So that is my stand for the game, CoD, a game that I played growing up.
(wow, this topic was about Gav, and I turned it into a CoD stand up.) But anyway, don't leave us Gav, please.