Most active: 1cec0ld
Most Productive: 1cec0ld(tin tower)
Most angry: 1cec0ld (goldenrod rage)
Best looking: Vitto (obvious reasons)
Best Pvper: I havent seen a lot of pvping going on lately
Best builder: 1ce (tin tower)
Best gym leader: Idk
Best elite member: Tn (he beat hix :P)
Best Champ: stnglkabee
Best admin: 1ce, Paradox, Zombie, Mio, Rigby (not necessarily in that order
Best mod: Oddy!
Most annoying: I like all of ya
Worst Griefer: Me of course (Great Cobble Wall, The Great Hole, Lonely Furnace Meeting, The The Game Sign, etc.)
Worst spammer(game): Spammers?
Worst Spammer(forums): TGACT50GV9.3
Most Helpful: Me!
Biggest Troll: 1ce!
Worst PvP-er: Pig!