Happy to oblige.
[18:26:06] [Netty IO #8/INFO]: <[CoolTrainer]EddE> For a long time now I have kept diamonds from a gym which I ran, I dug up the floor and replaced it
[18:26:10] [Netty IO #8/INFO]: <[CoolTrainer]EddE> with blue wool
[18:27:21] [Netty IO #14/INFO]: <[GymLeader]Camm> I can take those diamonds and reput them back on the floor
[18:27:21] [Netty IO #15/INFO]: <[CoolTrainer]Jeddeth> What's circus circus?
[18:27:23] [Netty IO #8/INFO]: <[CoolTrainer]EddE> So do you, much smart camm
[18:27:26] [Server thread/INFO]: [Server] a casino
[18:27:26] [Netty IO #12/INFO]: <[GymLeader]Sahaquiel> a casino
[18:27:28] [Netty IO #2/INFO]: <[JohtoLeader]RyanCP> today*
[18:27:33] [Netty IO #8/INFO]: <[CoolTrainer]EddE> no, you find them you keep them
[18:27:37] [Netty IO #15/INFO]: <[CoolTrainer]Jeddeth> I'll visit one day
[18:27:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Jeddeth issued server command: /
[18:27:40] [Server thread/INFO]: CammanduhCool issued server command: /
[18:27:46] [class org.jibble.pircbot.InputThread-Thread/INFO]: <PixelmonServer> dc4545 has left the server
[18:27:52] [Netty IO #12/INFO]: <[GymLeader]Sahaquiel> jeddeth, go to the east coast, we're nicer
[18:27:57] [Server thread/INFO]: SweatyPizza issued server command: /party
[18:27:58] [Server thread/INFO]: [Server] Anniiee is the only one so far who has actually kept their word on that
[18:27:59] [Netty IO #15/INFO]: <[CoolTrainer]Jeddeth> I'll scream Jedd is her and wear pink spandex so you'll know it's me
[18:28:05] [Server thread/INFO]: Jeddeth issued server command: /spawn
[18:28:09] [Netty IO #8/INFO]: <[CoolTrainer]EddE> Hold on it's not illegal to dig up a gum floor and steal the diamonds?
[18:28:13] [Netty IO #8/INFO]: <[CoolTrainer]EddE> gym*
[18:28:14] [Netty IO #12/INFO]: <[GymLeader]Sweaty> what, about leaving?
[18:28:14] [Netty IO #0/INFO]: <[Trainer]Sunovavich> xD
[18:28:16] [Netty IO #12/INFO]: <[GymLeader]Sahaquiel> was anniiee nice
[18:28:19] [Netty IO #4/INFO]: <[J][Youngster]Anon> yes
[18:28:20] [Netty IO #12/INFO]: <[GymLeader]Sweaty> yess
[18:28:22] [Server thread/INFO]: [Server] about visiting me, and yes
[18:28:27] [Netty IO #12/INFO]: <[GymLeader]Sweaty> oh
[18:28:27] [Server thread/INFO]: CammanduhCool issued server command: /
[18:28:42] [Server thread/INFO]: edders1234 issued server command: /msg CammanduhCool holy crap, they havent banned me lol
[18:28:44] [Netty IO #15/INFO]: <[CoolTrainer]Jeddeth> 1ce be honest, do you sometimes close up the casino, poor out som liquor and just gamble alone?
[18:28:48] [Netty IO #12/INFO]: <[GymLeader]Sahaquiel> jedd, go to the east coast. we have better food
[18:28:52] [Server thread/INFO]: CammanduhCool issued server command: /r you want to be banned? :l
[18:28:53] [Netty IO #15/INFO]: <[CoolTrainer]Jeddeth> Some whiskey on the rocks?
[18:28:55] [Server thread/INFO]: edders1234 issued server command: /r yea
[18:28:55] [Netty IO #15/INFO]: <[CoolTrainer]Jeddeth> Maybe some jazz
[18:28:56] [Netty IO #12/INFO]: <[GymLeader]Sweaty> pffft
[18:28:58] [Server thread/INFO]: CammanduhCool issued server command: /r why
[18:29:05] [Netty IO #12/INFO]: <[GymLeader]Sahaquiel> and Suh-thurn Hospitalitea
[18:29:09] [Server thread/INFO]: edders1234 issued server command: /r because then I have no need to go on
[18:29:14] [Server thread/INFO]: Anonymouslyanon issued server command: /pc
[18:29:18] [Netty IO #12/INFO]: <[GymLeader]Sahaquiel> y'all
[18:29:19] [Server thread/INFO]: Anonymouslyanon issued server command: /party
[18:29:20] [Server thread/INFO]: [Server] ive never gambled alone, and i hate whiskey
[18:29:21] [Netty IO #4/INFO]: [mcMMO] [P]<deliriousbisnasty>§a(§f§6§6[J][Youngster]§rAnon§r§r§a) perfect
[18:29:24] [Server thread/INFO]: edders1234 issued server command: /r I dont like anyone on here tbh and why go onto somewhere I hate
[18:29:27] [Netty IO #15/INFO]: <[CoolTrainer]Jeddeth> Oh
[18:29:31] [Server thread/INFO]: Anonymouslyanon issued server command: /spawn
[18:29:40] [Server thread/INFO]: SweatyPizza issued server command: /spawn
[18:29:40] [Netty IO #4/INFO]: [mcMMO] [P]<deliriousbisnasty>§a(§f§6§6[J][Youngster]§rAnon§r§r§a) i am a magical girl now
[18:29:41] [Netty IO #2/INFO]: <[JohtoLeader]RyanCP> prod can you add em back to the party
[18:29:43] [Server thread/INFO]: SweatyPizza issued server command: /warp park2
[18:29:43] [Netty IO #15/INFO]: <[CoolTrainer]Jeddeth> Well gotta admit you'd look cool drinking in a dark casino alone
[18:29:45] [Server thread/INFO]: SweatyPizza issued server command: /pc yay
[18:29:45] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] [P]<deliriousbisnasty>§a(§f§0§o[§r§oGym§8§oLeader§0§o]§rSweaty§r§a) yay
[18:29:50] [Server thread/INFO]: CammanduhCool issued server command: /r im sure you love Jimmy xD
[18:29:51] [Netty IO #12/INFO]: <[GymLeader]Sahaquiel> prod isn't on
[18:29:51] [Server thread/INFO]: Anonymouslyanon issued server command: /home 4
[18:29:52] [Server thread/INFO]: SweatyPizza issued server command: /spawn
[18:29:55] [Server thread/INFO]: edders1234 issued server command: /r lol
[18:29:58] [Netty IO #2/INFO]: <[JohtoLeader]RyanCP> forgot
[18:30:01] [Netty IO #4/INFO]: [mcMMO] [P]<deliriousbisnasty>§a(§f§6§6[J][Youngster]§rAnon§r§r§a) so is tene
[18:30:02] [Server thread/INFO]: SweatyPizza issued server command: /pc well im going to miss 1ce
[18:30:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] [P]<deliriousbisnasty>§a(§f§0§o[§r§oGym§8§oLeader§0§o]§rSweaty§r§a) well im going to miss 1ce
[18:30:04] [Server thread/INFO]: edders1234 issued server command: /r want the first stack for you to keep?
[18:30:08] [Netty IO #4/INFO]: [mcMMO] [P]<deliriousbisnasty>§a(§f§6§6[J][Youngster]§rAnon§r§r§a) yeah
[18:30:10] [Server thread/INFO]: CONSOLE issued server command: /me farts
[18:30:10] [Server thread/INFO]: # @ farts
[18:30:14] [Netty IO #12/INFO]: <[GymLeader]Sahaquiel> accept my friend request on steam, ryan
[18:30:16] [Server thread/INFO]: CammanduhCool issued server command: /r I want to fix the gym arena :l
[18:30:24] [Netty IO #12/INFO]: <[GymLeader]Sweaty> brb
[18:30:25] [Server thread/INFO]: SweatyPizza lost connection: Disconnected
[18:30:26] [Netty IO #2/INFO]: <[JohtoLeader]RyanCP> I gotta get on it to accept it
[18:30:26] [Netty IO #4/INFO]: [mcMMO] [P]<deliriousbisnasty>§a(§f§6§6[J][Youngster]§rAnon§r§r§a) could always friend him on facebook lmao
[18:30:30] [Netty IO #15/INFO]: <[CoolTrainer]Jeddeth> Hey you know I remember your name 1ce
[18:30:30] [Server thread/INFO]: edders1234 issued server command: /r its the admin responability
[18:30:32] [Netty IO #15/INFO]: <[CoolTrainer]Jeddeth> I think
[18:30:33] [Server thread/INFO]: CammanduhCool issued server command: /r how far away from the wilds are these chests
[18:30:37] [Server thread/INFO]: edders1234 issued server command: /r no far
[18:30:43] [Server thread/INFO]: edders1234 issued server command: /r not
[18:30:43] [Server thread/INFO]: CammanduhCool issued server command: /warp wild2
[18:30:45] [Netty IO #12/INFO]: <[GymLeader]Sahaquiel> jeddeth, we have tea on the east coast
[18:30:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Server] considering my facebook is fairly public, i'd be insulted if you didnt remember
[18:30:52] [Server thread/INFO]: CammanduhCool issued server command: //
[18:30:59] [Netty IO #15/INFO]: <[CoolTrainer]Jeddeth> Jeremy... ?
[18:31:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [ModDamage] Sunovavich killed a CHICKEN
[18:31:02] [Netty IO #2/INFO]: <[JohtoLeader]RyanCP> ..
[18:31:03] [Server thread/INFO]: Set score of SkeletonKills for player pulsev22 to 5
[18:31:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [ModDamage] pulsev22 killed a NORMAL_SKELETON
[18:31:04] [Netty IO #15/INFO]: <[CoolTrainer]Jeddeth> Last name escapes me
[18:31:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [Server] ps partychat is visible from here
[18:31:07] [Server thread/INFO]: edders1234 issued server command: /msg ryancpexpert want a stack of diamonds?
[18:31:09] [Netty IO #4/INFO]: [mcMMO] [P]<deliriousbisnasty>§a(§f§6§6[J][Youngster]§rAnon§r§r§a) good
[18:31:12] [Server thread/INFO]: ryancpexpert issued server command: /r sure
[18:31:31] [Netty IO #15/INFO]: <[CoolTrainer]Jeddeth> Saha I'm not a massive tea fan
[18:31:36] [Netty IO #12/INFO]: <[GymLeader]Sahaquiel> you're british
[18:31:39] [Server thread/INFO]: [Server] DRINK IT OR GO HOME
[18:31:40] [Server thread/INFO]: edders1234 issued server command: /r I dug up fuchsia floor and hid them for about 8 months, and no one notice, even the admins dont
[18:31:41] [Netty IO #15/INFO]: <[CoolTrainer]Jeddeth> Yeah I know
[18:31:41] [Server thread/INFO]: edders1234 issued server command: /r care
[18:31:42] [Netty IO #15/INFO]: <[CoolTrainer]Jeddeth> Criminal
[18:31:44] [Netty IO #12/INFO]: <[GymLeader]Sahaquiel> you have tea in your veins instead of blood
[18:31:48] [Netty IO #15/INFO]: <[CoolTrainer]Jeddeth> Yup
[18:32:00] [Server thread/INFO]: CammanduhCool issued server command: /r im looking for all these chests
[18:32:10] [Server thread/INFO]: ryancpexpert issued server command: /r ...?
[18:32:14] [Netty IO #15/INFO]: <[CoolTrainer]Jeddeth> Yo be honest with me, what do American think of English people
[18:32:22] [Server thread/INFO]: edders1234 issued server command: /r the diamonds are techinally illegal
[18:32:24] [Netty IO #15/INFO]: <[CoolTrainer]Jeddeth> In general
[18:32:30] [Netty IO #12/INFO]: <[GymLeader]Sahaquiel> a bit uptight but nice in general
[18:32:35] [Netty IO #12/INFO]: <[GymLeader]Sahaquiel> not in a bad way
[18:32:37] [Server thread/INFO]: ryancpexpert issued server command: /r I don't understand what you are saying
[18:32:38] [Server thread/INFO]: [Server] the last English person I talked to was a drunk man trying to get me to invent a website that made no sense
[18:32:52] [Netty IO #12/INFO]: <[GymLeader]Sahaquiel> oh, and you all drink a lot
[18:32:53] [Netty IO #15/INFO]: <[CoolTrainer]Jeddeth> Probably my cousin
[18:32:54] [Server thread/INFO]: edders1234 issued server command: /r I stole around 6 stacks of diamond blocks from fuchsia gym
[18:32:56] [Server thread/INFO]: [Server] so im a bit on the 'wtf' side, otherwise theyre just more europeans
[18:32:58] [Netty IO #12/INFO]: <[GymLeader]Sahaquiel> but that's mainly Ireland
[18:33:03] [Server thread/INFO]: ryancpexpert issued server command: /r ah
[18:33:04] [Netty IO #12/INFO]: <[GymLeader]Sahaquiel> and Scotland
[18:33:07] [Server thread/INFO]: edders1234 issued server command: /r yea
[18:33:14] [Server thread/INFO]: edders1234 issued server command: /r want a stack
[18:33:18] [Server thread/INFO]: edders1234 issued server command: /r ?
[18:33:23] [Netty IO #15/INFO]: <[CoolTrainer]Jeddeth> Ya, alot of Brits have Irish in their bloodline as far as at least two generations though
[18:33:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [Server] edders shut up before i ban you
[18:33:25] [Netty IO #12/INFO]: <[GymLeader]Sahaquiel> welcome melody1603! read the signs at spawn and in Oak's lab!
[18:33:31] [Server thread/INFO]: CammanduhCool issued server command: /
[18:33:32] [Server thread/INFO]: ryancpexpert issued server command: /r if they're illegal, nah
[18:33:34] [Netty IO #8/INFO]: <[CoolTrainer]EddE> go on then server, do it :P
[18:33:40] [Server thread/INFO]: CONSOLE issued server command: /ban edders asking for it
[18:33:40] [Server thread/INFO]: edders1234 lost connection: §4Banned:
§rasking for it
[18:33:40] [Server thread/INFO]: §6Player§c Console §6banned edders1234 §6for asking for it
[18:33:44] [Netty IO #15/INFO]: <[CoolTrainer]Jeddeth> No Edd!
[18:33:46] [Netty IO #14/INFO]: <[GymLeader]Camm> bye edd
[18:33:48] [Netty IO #15/INFO]: <[CoolTrainer]Jeddeth> We were gonna make a cartoon
[18:33:51] [Netty IO #14/INFO]: <[GymLeader]Camm> nice seeing you