I ask this because, as I try to minimize the need for moderators (auto house, improving /houses) I've noticed that asking for a login or logout is another place that tends to get backed up with requests that take a while to sort through.
Is there some reason that players with the permission node can't /setlogin *this is my login &6message?
There is the possibility of lewdness or trolls or copycats, which is why I'd propose simply mailing a random admin/moderator or even all of them when it is set. This could result in spam, which is why I'd say pick the random ad-mod instead of all of us at once.
There is also the option to log it in a file, though that limits the viewers to admins with file access, and I feel like we'd simply see the violators in game before anyone checked the file.
Punishment for violating the (need to be properly defined) login rules could simply be removing that permission node. No more custom login for the troll after a warning or something.
Thoughts, exploits, opinions welcome.