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Is this your arrangement?
About 50% of the song is. I changed several things from this persons arrangement ( His arrangement was poorly written so I fine tuned it.
There were quite a few crunching chords in that... Sounded better on the piano too as expected.
By 'fine tuned it', I made it more musical. His version had no dynamics, impossible measures and bad fingering.
I didn't notice any impossible measures. True it was dynamically lacking, but often thats the case with synthetic arrangements.
Hone your really good!
The arpeggios in the end were insanely difficult. Which were impossible for me.
Are you talking about the left hand ones? They look rather easy >.>
They are easy to do, just not at my selected tempo. Since I would have to go about 2 octaves in a single beat.
Hehe you has to learn that then
Yeah, I'm just a below average piano player. Going to work on that part of the song after I improve in sight reading.