Mcmmo Rollback 1: The file got too big, I deleted it and filled in the names of active players via files (a mistake I would learn about later)
Mcmmo Rollback 2: After people kept getting erased (due to that mistake) I erased the entire file and started the painful process of /mmoedit (name) (skill) # based on my one month old backup.
Mcmmo Rollback 3: The server hoster happened to lose that ONE FUCKING FILE out of the entire 24000 we have on the server, and everyone was equally rolled back to 3/14, my last backup.
Mcmmo Rollback 4: The most recent one, and the only way a hacker did it is if they had a backup of our whole server from when we ran CB 1818 because thats how far our plugins got rolled back, and we did our best to recover all the damage.
http://www.pokemonserver.net/forum/index.php?topic=570.0So hackers are spamming the shit out of us, and they're abusing the new chat system to do it in a way I've never seen before, but there is no plausible way they could be affecting our files directly.
I will look into a better spam-prevention plugin. OKSpamsecurity, an option we decided on a while back, is out of date it seems, so I'll look elsewhere. Any suggestions/up-to-date plugins can be posted here. Thank you for your concern and any help given.
PS thank you for the screenshots, that provided very useful information.